hello stranger...

No moral I’ve got,
my heart is an antique where I collect my trophies.
Wisdom I’ve got, (suuuuure......)
my head is full of northern winds they blow strong
and so it seems
that road, that’s ahead of me, prepared places I must see.


...I am changing, my Life is changing, my Works are changing, so what u are about too see here are caged little moments of my never-ending changes
09.11.2007 - evening

Today, Ladies and Gentlemen's, i was in a poetic mood !
Words were passing through my head like sound waves of bells of a train pass through the air !
Couldn't stop thinking in rimes and rhythms ! I was swinging all the day !
Enjoy ! (...if u can, if u want, if u have time )
and don't judge to hard ! i'm not a poetess ...


Fuck me hard

in this winter day
cold, freezing air
on my burning ways

Sweeter than your eyes

in unavoidable spasm
feeling's approaching
of main orgasm

Burning desire

in minus degrees
climb over your body
and go in me

Caress me then tender

and we'll melt in one
through this november night
we'll carry the sun ( ...in our pockets ).

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