hello stranger...

No moral I’ve got,
my heart is an antique where I collect my trophies.
Wisdom I’ve got, (suuuuure......)
my head is full of northern winds they blow strong
and so it seems
that road, that’s ahead of me, prepared places I must see.


...I am changing, my Life is changing, my Works are changing, so what u are about too see here are caged little moments of my never-ending changes

Good night !
it's 12:46 and i'm going to sleep...
and as i'll be out for some time ( 3 weeks ),
here is one little sculpture to remember me by !!!

Wish you the best ! Kisses and lots lots of love !


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouhaaaaaaa... Ca fesait longtemps que j'etait plus passé sur ton blog (honte a moi) et punaise la claque! Surtout niveau graphisme, tu geres toujours autant, va falloir que tu me file des cours toi!! Va falloir aussi quon s'organise une petite soiree a l'occaz, ca fait bien trop longtemps que c'est plus arrivé ca!