hello stranger...

No moral I’ve got,
my heart is an antique where I collect my trophies.
Wisdom I’ve got, (suuuuure......)
my head is full of northern winds they blow strong
and so it seems
that road, that’s ahead of me, prepared places I must see.


...I am changing, my Life is changing, my Works are changing, so what u are about too see here are caged little moments of my never-ending changes
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ June 2008 ~~~


Where the sun kisses the horizon.
And they kiss sooooo beautifully in Crete !

The song is called Vertigo...






Anonymous said...

Ok j'ai regardé tout ça de plus près...la première photo est vraiment terrible!!! Les couleur et la pose...je dis bravo moi!!!

Anonymous said...

merci Piloo...